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Social Media Marketing Services

Publishing. Listening. Engaging. Running.


Social Media Strategy

Social Media Strategy is what puts all your efforts into a cohesive plan to get to where you want your business to go. We work with you from the start, to understand your business you built and started. We speak with you about your before, your present, and where you want to get ahead. Then we put it into action!

Open Space Office

Social Media Channel Audits

Once the first meeting is completed, we will look over your social media channels and audit them for any good and not so good postings. And there will be some that aren't that great but that's alright, that's how you get ahead! We will see where your target audience resides on which platforms and what content they're most attracted to.

Work Team Meeting

Social Media Content Planning

Once we know where to go and what content is working the best, we look into what your content should look like. What tone, personality, and style does your brand need to give off on social to get people to say it's yours? We will create templates to show you then with approval use the templates for specific content ideas that will work best for your brand to get ahead!

Brainstorm Team Meeting

Social Media Reporting

Once the content is out there and performing, we will come back to you month after month to discuss how it's performing with terms laid out and easily understood by you. Social media platforms offer great insight tools and analytical reporting to offer to you when used to its best! We'll present documents and data to tell the story your audience is trying to tell your business.

Social Media Advertising Services

Wondering Why You Should Invest?

People Gathering in a Meeting Together

Social Ad Audience Understanding

Once we understand your target audience, the ads we create will resonate with your business with greater results.

Image by Markus Winkler

What Are Your Goals?

What is it that you want to accomplish with your paid social media ads? Without a clear idea, it’s hard to measure the success of your social ad campaign. Knowing exactly what you want out of your campaign will save you lots of time, money, and effort.

Image by Adem AY

Pick Your Social Media Platforms

Not all social media platforms may work for your brand, even if you can find your audience there. Take into consideration the possible benefits of each social platform when choosing which one to stick with.

Image by Austin Distel

Mix Social Ads with Regularly Schedule Content

Your social media campaign should include a mixture of both organic content and your paid advertisements.
In other words, your social media campaign shouldn’t be separated into two distinct categories: paid and organic. Think about how your organic content can blend with your paid content, and vice versa.

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